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You are here: Home Events Kings of Comedy

Kings of Comedy

When Jul 06, 2013
from 08:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Where Bar Rick's Americano. Barrio Amón
Contact Phone 2441-3213 / 8328-8297
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Reyes de la comedia You can not stop laughing! International and national actors will make us have a good time with his humor.

The Kings of Comedy is a familiar show in Spanish and English with monologues based on customs of Costa Rica, current issues, couples and more.
The Rick's Café American Bar is located in Barrio Amon, 275 north of the Parque Morazan
Cover 2,000

You can not stop laughing! International and national actors will make us have a good time with his humor.
The Kings of Comedy is a familiar show in Spanish and English with monologues based on customs of Costa Rica, current issues, couples and more.
The Rick's Café American Bar is located in Barrio Amon, 275 north of the Parque MorazanCover 2,000




















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